السبت، 23 مايو 2009

VMware ESX Server 3 VirtualCenter Server & Update Manager

VirtualCenter Server & Update Manager
This is the process name of the Windows service that is the core service running on the VirtualCenter management server.
If there are problems with the VirtualCenter service starting and then stopping almost immediately or a few seconds later, then check your ODBC database string and then the health of the the database server. We have seen this when the database runs out of disk space; check if the log space is full on the DB server, many clients forget about regular backup of this database. When troubleshooting the VirtualCenter service you can try VirtualCenter in stand-alone mode. This is done by invoking the following command at the Windows command line
vpxd -s
You will get interactive logging of the start-up activity helping you to pinpoint where the problem is.
If all else fails, you can always re-initialize the VirtualCenter database, however we would not recommend this. By re-initializing the VirtualCenter database you are wiping out all VC data!! If you do want this, then use the -b command switch to vpxd.
This is the VirtualCenter management server configuration file. (Ok, so we are extending this command line guide to cover the VirtualCenter server now as well as the ESX host!)
There are a number of configuration changes to VirtualCenter we can make in this file, but as of VC 2.5, one such change you may wish to make is the disabling of "Guided Consolidation". This feature, shown just as a consolidation button in the VI client, is intended to help small customers select which physical Windows hosts are suitable for consolidation and then guide them to perform the physical to virtual migration.
If you have already been through the consolidation process, then you don't need this feature. It makes sense to disable the feature if you are not using it as this should improve VC performance. To disable Guided Consolidation, simply edit the vpxd.cfg file on the VC management server and make the following change:
config.vcp2v.dontStartConsolidation = true
The Update Manager component of Virtual Infrastructure is new to version 2.5. This component allows the patch management of Windows & Linux guests as well as ESX hosts. When installing the Update Manager component, the Windows installer package prompts the operator if they wish to use a proxy server to connect to the Internet, the only options are proxy IP address and port. If your proxy server requires authentication, then this tool must be run to supply the proxy server credentials.
This is the primary configuration file for the Update Manager.
One of the main reasons you may want to edit this file is if you wish to change the directory that patches are downloaded into, i.e. the patchstore.
This is the VMware Update Manager Download Service. If you don't want the server where Update Manager is installed on to actually connect to the Internet and do the patch downloading, then UMDS is for you. Maybe you don't want the load of update downloads on the UM server or maybe the UM server is on a subnet that can't reach the Internet. Anyway, the UMDS installs on a Windows server (that is not the same server as UM) and doesn't create a start menu program group.
To start a download, simply enter the command
vmware-umds --download
Once the updates are downloaded, we can export them. This means we copy the patches from the download directory to another path. The intended purpose of exporting is to copy all or a subset of the downloaded patches to a location that will then be made available to the Update Manager server.
vmware-umds -E e:\exportedupdates
At this time UMDS does not support NFS/CIFS shares for the export operation. This is related to a permissions issue
This tool is run on the Update Manager server to import the patches made available from the UMDS export. So if you had a DVD burned which had all the updates that was inserted to the UM server and available as drive Z:

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الجمعة، 22 مايو 2009

VMware ESX Server 3 VMware HA

VMware HA
AAM is the Automated Availability Manager that runs in the service console when you create a VMware High Availability (VMware HA) cluster. The VMware HA feature was previously known as DAS (Distributed Availability Services) but we don't mention that anymore.
This software maintains an in-memory database on active nodes in the cluster and uses heartbeats to co-ordinate the active and passive nodes. It is suggested that you configure service console with 2 Ethernet interfaces to remove any single point of failure.
This is a piece of licensed Legato software which itself has been renamed to EMC AutoStart.
This component has a very high dependency upon fully functional host name resolution. So before you enable VMware HA, check the following files
to ensure accuracy. One thing you can do to check the name resolution functionality before enabling HA is run
hostname -s
to return the short name of the service console. If this fails, then the HA configuration WILL fail.
The log file for VMware HA in ESX 3.0.x can be found in the service console in the directory
and for ESX 3.5 can be found in
To avoid split brain scenarios, an ESX server can determine if it has become isolated from other servers and we can configure that servers' isolation response. If the AAM component loses contact with the other nodes in the HA cluster, it attempts to contact the configured default gateway for service console using ICMP echo request (PING). If this fails, then the ESX host is isolated. If your default gateway suppresses ICMP echo requests, then we can configure an alternate IP address called the das.isolationaddress. From ESX 3.5, you can configure multiple isolation addresses so that you can configure a host with more that one address to attempt contact with before declaring itself isolated.
This utility allows you to view the active nodes in an HA cluster and the managed IP addresses. This utility will help you determine whether the HA agent is in a running state and which IP addresses are visible between those managed hosts.
This file is created when HA is enabled and is a copy of /etc/hosts. If you have problems with name resolution and configuring HA, you can safely delete this file and reconfigure that cluster node for HA again. FT_HOSTS will be re-created.

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VMware ESX Server 3 Linux Utilities

Linux Utilities
The configuration of SSH client is stored in the text file /etc/ssh/ssh_config
The configuration of the SSH server daemon is stored in the text file /etc/ssh/sshd_config. An important setting in this file is PermitRootLogin=No. This is the default setting in ESX 3.x and it is recommended that you keep the setting at "No". This way you have an audit trail and see exactly who is logging in, rather than just "root". You can quickly what the setting is by using a grep operation on the file as shown:
# grep Permit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
If you do edit the file to change this setting to Yes, then make sure you restart the daemon for the changes to take effect using the command:
# service sshd restart
This command is the switch user utility.
When it used without parameters, we are specifying to switch to the user root. However, we can use the su command to switch shell to any user account. In the first example, we are logged in as the user kevin and we are switching to user ali.
[kevin@esx1host kevin]$ su ali
[ali@esx1host kevin]
In this second example, we are switching from being logged on as a user called sara to being logged on as root. Notice to switch to root, we don't need to specify a username.
[sara@esx1host sara]$ su -
[root@esx1host root]#
If we restrict the built-in user account root from logging in over the SSH protocol, then we are forcing remote users to authenticate as themselves and then su to run privileged commands if need be, thus leaving a decent audit trail. The downside being that those users would still know the root account password.
If you would like to restrict the use of the su command, then we can limit it to the members of a specific group called wheel. This group is defined in the /etc/group file by default and it's membership can be modified by root. In order to limit su to the wheel group members we need to modify a configuration file called /etc/pam.d/su
There is a single line in this file that needs to be uncommented to limit the use of su. The line is shown below as it appears it that file, all that is required is the removal of the # symbol at the start of the line.
#auth required /lib/security/$ISA/pam_wheel.so user_uid
We can't talk about the command line without talking about vi. This is the simple but powerful text editor in Linux and UNIX. People tend to love it or hate it. Either way, it's nearly always there in any *nix implementation and just by memorising a few commands you can be up and running with it. If you can use Windows Notepad, you can use vi!
vi filename
The first thing that throws you is that to enter text into your file, you need to press "i" for Insert mode. You can then enter your text just as any other text editor. When you are done with text entering, just press the Escape (Esc) key to come out of insert mode. If you are happy with your file, then we need to Write & Quit (wq). To enter commands in this command line editor, rather than having menus, we have a command prompt in the application. To reach the vi command prompt, simply enter ":" - the colon character which will automatically place your cursor at the bottom of the session. Here you can enter the "wq" command to write and quit the editor. That's it!
Here is a summary of the vi commands
i                  Changes to insert mode where you can edit the text
:wq               Write the file and quit the editor
:q!               Quit the editor without saving changes

SHIFT ZZ       Quit the editor and save any changes made - just a fast way of doing ":wq"
Esc key          Exits the current mode, e.g. out of insert mode back to view mode.
These commands are just extra if you have the inclination to learn!
/                     search - if you entered /failed then the cursor would move to the first instance of "failed in the text
$                     jumps to the end of the opened file
yy                   copy - it's y for yank!
dd                   delete a line (cut) if you precede this with a number e.g. 8dd, then it would delete 8 lines
p                     paste
%s/old/new/g    substitute any occurrences of the world "old" with the world "new"

Another text editor, more friendly but you should use –w to avoid word wrap.
If we are checking the time and date of our ESX Service Console, then the date command is very useful. Just entering the "date" command returns what the service console thinks the current date is.
If the date is incorrect and you wish to reset it you would enter the command with the -s switch and specify date in mm/dd/yyyy format.
# date -s "12/29/2007 23:48"
Once you have set the date, you will want to ensure that the hardware clock matches your newly entered date. We can do this with the hwclock command described below.
We can use this command to synchronise the server hardware clock with the date we set in the service console. If you enter the command with no parameters then the value of the hardware clock is displayed.
# hwclock
If we want to synchronise the hardware clock with the service console date and time, we use the following:
# hwclock -systohc
Display calendar for current month or set of months. The following command displays 3 months, current month and the month before and after.
# cal -3
    March 2006            April 2006             May 2006
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
          1  2  3  4                     1      1  2  3  4  5  6
 5  6  7  8  9 10 11   2  3  4  5  6  7  8   7  8  9 10 11 12 13
12 13 14 15 16 17 18   9 10 11 12 13 14 15  14 15 16 17 18 19 20
19 20 21 22 23 24 25  16 17 18 19 20 21 22  21 22 23 24 25 26 27
26 27 28 29 30 31     23 24 25 26 27 28 29  28 29 30 31
Surprisingly useful!
Used to change the password of the currently logged on user (use the command with no parameters) or for changing the password of a named user account (supply the user name as a parameter).
passwd <user>
Remember that passwords are not stored in the /etc/passwd file, but in the file /etc/shadow 
If you are ever needing to reset an unknown root account password, then it is this utility you would run after booting into Linux single user mode.
This command can be used to view and configure the ethernet interfaces in your host. We didn't use this tool much until ESX 3.5, when we started to work with Distributed Power Management (DPM); an experimental feature of DRS clusters.
The output of this tool provides a load of information about the network cards, but of particular interest now is the support for Wake-on-LAN (WoL). DPM makes use of this NIC feature and so we need to check that our NICs both support the function AND have the function enabled. The ethtool allows us to view and set this functionality.
# ethtool vmnic1
Settings for vmnic1
If we noted that our NIC supported WoL but it was not currently enabled, then we could use this tool to effect the change.
# ethtool -s vmnic1 wol g

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VMware ESX Server 3 RPM Utilities

RPM Utilities
As ESX service console is based on modified Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, we can use the RPM package installation method to add applications to it. However, we should also point out that it's maybe not the best idea to add software to the service console. It is best to treat the service console as a dedicated console and not add applications to it.
If you are unfamiliar with RPMs in Linux, think of them like MSI packages in Windows.
The rpm command can be used to list and to install RPM-based applications. In the following example, we are using the command switch (-qa) to list the rpms installed in the service console.
# rpm -qa
If we are only interested in the VMware rpms, then we can just pipe the output of rpm -qa command into the grep search tool.
rpm -qa |grep VMware
which should yield an output something like

If we then want to find out more information on an individual RPM package, we can use the rpm -qi option to query a package which reports the file version, vendor, license and description.
# rpm -qi VMware-hostd-esx-3.0.1-32039

Name        : VMware-hostd-esx             Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version     : 3.0.1                             Vendor: VMware, Inc.
Release     : 32039                         Build Date: Tue 26 Sep 2006 01:30:42 AM PDT
Install Date: Tue 06 Nov 2007 03:07:02 PM PST      Build Host: pa-build43.eng.vmware.com
Group       : Applications/Emulators        Source RPM: VMware-hostd-esx-3.0.1-32039.src.rpm
Size        : 269864433                        License: commercial
Signature   : (none)
Summary     : VMware Host Agent package.
Description :
If we then want to know what files are included in the rpm package, we can use query with the list option to see the files inside. For example, to see the files
# rpm -ql VMware-hostd-esx-3.0.1-32039

If you are wanting to extract a single file from a RPM package but you don't want to install the RPM, then this is the tool for you. Probably best if you copy the RPM to a temp directory so when you extract the RPM you can then navigate the directory structure created in that temp directory to find the file or files you need.
Once you have copied out the file you were after, you can safely delete the contents of that temp directory. In other words, we have used rpm2cpio to extract the RPM archive.
Here is an example using the RPM we've used in the previous examples.
# rpm2cpio VMware-hostd-esx-3.0.1-32039 | cpio -idmv
i = Restore archive
d = Create landing directories
m = Create previous file modification times
v = verbose

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VMware ESX Server 3 Command Line Tools

VMware Command Line Tools
Used to manipulate virtual disks at the service console command line. It is used most often for import and export operations, where a virtual disk is converted from monolithic format to sparse format (previously called COW format).
There is a great switch with the command -X which can be used to extend the size of your virtual disk; e.g. if you had a 10GB virtual disk and wanted to expand it to 20GB, you could use this command. The VM would need to be powered off for this to work.
vmkfstools -X 20GB /vmfs/volumes/storage1/vm.vmdk
Note that the -X switch specifies the NEW SIZE of the virtual disk and NOT how much you are extending it by.
If you have used the -X switch before in an older version of ESX server (earlier than 3.0) it was possible to specify a small disk size; thereby making the virtual disk smaller. This was dangerous but useful if your partition within the disk did not consume 100% of the disk size. However, this is not possible with vmkfstools command found in ESX Server version 3.x.
From ESX 3.5, the size of a virtual disk can now be increased in the VI Client! VMware are implementing more and more in the user interface, less time needed in the service console command line...
Previously, the main use of vmkfstools command was to import or export virtual disks. This would be required if you were deploying templates by hand instead of using VirtualCenter. It was also the primary method for moving VMs between the ESX server product and the hosted VMware products such as VMware Workstation or Server. The reason we say "previously" is that moving VMs between servers or between VMware products has become much simpler and cleaner by using the VMware Converter utility. This tool is task oriented and treats the VM as a whole object, not just the virtual disk files as vmkfstools.
If you do want to import virtual hard disks in 2GB sparse format into monolithic format by hand, then we can use vmkfstools command with the -i switch.
vmkfstools -i /importfiles/vm.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/storage1/vm/vm.vmdk
Notice that the import option requires two parameters, source and destination. This would not create a VM, but would create the monolithic virtual disk for a VM. You could then create a custom VM in the VI Client and select the option to "use an existing disk".
If you want to export a virtual disk you no longer use the -d switch, but just use -i and specify the virtual disk type at the destination of the import. So if you were exporting a virtual disk from VMFS to
vmkfstools -i /vmfs/volumes/storage1/vm/vm.vmdk -d 2gbsparse /exportvm/vm.vmdk
This command has been in ESX for a number of versions and it's functionality has been extended with each major release.
This utility is what we use to patch our ESX hosts with updates from VMware. You can use this tool interactively to install individual patches, or use it to scan your ESX host to see which patches are required as well as to do a "what-if" install of a host patch to identify if there will be any problems.
The power of the esxupdate command is realised when you use it with a patch repository. A patch repository can be exposed to a host via HTTP, FTP or NFS.
esxupdate -d [url]ftp://taupopatchserver/esx35/0710-03[/url] scan
- Bundle Name -      AppFlags             --- Summary ---              iFlags ESX350-200710049-BG  -------v Bugs fixed in some vmkernel.             rm-   ESX350-200710050-SG  i------v Security bugs fixed in vmkernel module.. rm-   ESX350-200710052-BG  i------v Several bugs fixed in vmx module...      -m-   ESX350-200710053-BG  -------- Provided new PBM for SUSE 11 U2.         ---   ESX350-200710054-BG  -------v COS fix for Ooops.                       rm-   ESX350-200710055-BG  -------- More fixes in scsi drivers.              r--   ESX350-200710058-RG  -------v This is a roll-up bundle.                rm-   ESX350-200710059-RG  -------v This is a roll-up security bundle.       rm-  
If you choose to use the new VirtualCenter Server 2.5 feature called Update Manager, then when you perform host scans and remediation, you are in fact just remotely invoking this utility, it's just you don't see it!
You can use the --explain switch when scanning to provide a greater level of detail to your host patch scan operation. If for example, the AppFlags for a patch indicated "c" for conflict, you would probably want to know what exactly the patch was in conflict with.
Every ESX patch contains a file called contents.xml. This file describes the directory structure of the patch bundle contents.
This is a detached PGP signature of the contents.xml file in a ESX patch.
This is a superb utility that we use on occasion, particularly when we are creating scripted builds for ESX. The industry-recognised experts in the functions of this tool are the folks over at [url]www.xtravirt.com[/url]. Where we have found this tool of unique use is in the enabling of a VMkernel port for VMotion.
If you are using ESX versions prior to 3.5 then use
vimsh -n -e "hostsvc/vmotion/vnic_set portgroupname
However, if you are using ESX version 3.5 then we need to use a slightly different syntax for specifying the portgroup to enable. We now need to specify using a vmkx notation. Trouble is, we don't know which portgroup corresponds to which vmkx number. So to first identify the mapping of portgroup name to vmk number, we enter the command
and then enter hostsvc/vmotion/netconfig_get and we'll get a whole pile of output, but buried in there will be the device names in vmkx format that we can then use to enable VMotion on that portgroup with the following:
vimsh -n -e "hostsvc/vmotion/vnic_set vmk0
Using the vimsh command for enabling VMotion is just 1% of the functionality of this tool. It's not for the faint hearted and there really is no better source of information about it than the PDF documents that the xtravirt guys have written. Thanks also to Mike Laverick of RTFM Education for documenting the changes in vimsh in version 3.5.

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VMware ESX Server 3 Configuration Files

VMware ESX Server 3
Configuration Files
An all new configuration file for ESX Server 3.x. This file replaces the functionality of the following configuration files found in earlier versions of ESX.
This is the name service switch configuration file. If you need to modify the order of how names in the service console are resolved, this is the place to make the change. You can view and edit this conf file as usual.
There will be a number of lines to this file, but the one you are likely to be interested in will start "hosts:" as shown:
hosts: files dns
In the above example, the name service will use the /etc/hosts file, and then the DNS name server specified in the /etc/resolv.conf file.
This process watches over the hostd process and restarts it if it crashes.
This is the daemon that replaces vmware-serverd that was found in the ESX 2.x products. This is the host management agent and is responsible for a number of key management functions on an ESX host. If you are having any "host not responding" type problems, before you even think of an ESX host restart, consider just a restart of the management agent; it's amazing how often a quick restart of hostd gets things going again.
We can restart the host management agent with the command
service mgmt-vmware restart
This file contains the definitions for the TCP ports and service names used by the service console firewall. When we use the esxcfg-firewall command to open ports based on friendly service names such as sshServer, that name is a definition in this XML file. A typical service definition in this file looks like
  <service id='0000'>     <id>sshServer</id>     <rule>       <direction>inbound</direction>       <protocol>tcp</protocol>       <port type='dst'>22</port>       <flags>-m state --state NEW</flags>     </rule>   </service>
You could modify this XML file to include your own definitions. We have not tested if such a change would persist patching/upgrades.
This is the name of the VirtualCenter server agent that runs in the service console of ESX 3.x servers (which was called vmware-ccagent in ESX 2.x). This can be stopped, started or restarted with the service command
service vmware-vpxa restart
This is the XML configuration file for the VirtualCenter Server Agent in the service console. Here is a typical vpxa.cfg file.
[root@esx1host vmware]# cat vpxa.cfg
Notice the <loglevel> tag. If you are trying to troubleshoot an issue, then increasing the logging level is a good idea. We have used the level "verbose", there could be a higher debug level of logging, but we've not tested that.

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VMware ESX Server 3 Commands Guide 4

VMware ESX Server 3 Commands Guide 4
The esxcfg- Commands
There is not normally a command that a virtual infrastructure administrator should need. The tool is automatically used when you start an ESX server in troubleshooting mode; i.e. when you start only the service console Linux kernel and don't start the VMkernel.
When you are working in the service console while the VMkernel is loaded, the service console's network interface is not called eth0, but is called vswif0 instead. This is because the service console network interface is provided via a service console portgroup on a virtual Ethernet switch. If you restart your ESX server without the VMkernel, then standard Linux drivers and network card management is used. Therefore the network interface used in troubleshooting mode is called eth0 - just like any other regular Linux box. This tool is called by starting troubleshooting mode to replicate the IP parameters assigned to vswif0 to eth0.
Should you want to investigate this command, the options are:
esxcfg-linuxnet --setup
-h --help

The --setup option cannot be combined with the --remove option.
This tool can be used to view and configure the speed and duplex settings of the physical network cards in the ESX Server. This tool can replace the mii-tool and modules.conf for network card management.
In the following example, we run the list option to view all physical NICs and their properties.
[root@esx1host etc]# esxcfg-nics -l

Name   PCI      Driver  Link Speed    Duplex Description
vmnic2 01:01.00 tg3     Up   1000Mbps Full Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5703 Gigabit Ethernet
vmnic0 01:02.00 tg3     Up   100Mbps  Full Broadcom Corporation NC7781 Gigabit Server Adapter (PCI-X, 10,100,1000-T)
vmnic1 04:02.00 tg3     Up   1000Mbps Full Broadcom Corporation NC7781 Gigabit Server Adapter (PCI-X, 10,100,1000-T)
This command has the following optional parameters:
esxcfg-nics <options> [nic]
-s|--speed <speed> Set the speed of this NIC to one of 10/100/1000/10000. Requires a NIC parameter.
-d|--duplex <duplex> Set the duplex of this NIC to one of 'full' or 'half'. Requires a NIC parameter.
-a|--auto Set speed and duplexity automatically. Requires a NIC parameter.
-l|--list Print the list of NICs and their settings.
-r|--restore Restore the nics configured speed/duplex settings (INTERNAL ONLY)
-h|--help Display this message.

ESX server 3 supports both hardware and software initiated iSCSI. For hardware iSCSI, we can use host bus adapters which perform the TCP offload and so the vmkernel can just pass SCSI commands to them as normal. The iSCSI hba can then wrap the SCSI command in IP transport and forward them to the iSCSI target.
In VI-3, one of the supported iSCSI hardware HBAs is the QLogic 4052. More information about this particular family of adapters can be found at [url]http://support.qlogic.com/support/product_resources.asp?id=964[/url]
In software iSCSI, the wrapping of SCSI commands in IP is performed by the VMkernel and a regular physical network card is used to communicate with the iSCSI target. The software iSCSI configuration is exposed in the VI Client as a host bus adapter called vmhba40.
We can user the tool esxcfg-swiscsi to configure it. The software iSCSI initiator in the VMkernel has a dependency upon the service console, therefore both the service console and VMkernel must have an IP route to the iSCSI target.
1. Add a VMkernel port to a vSwitch that has an uplink and route to iSCSI target
2. Ensure service console IP interface has a route to the same iSCSI target
3. Using either the VI Client security profile or the esxcfg-firewall, open a port in the service console firewall for iSCSI (TCP:3260)
4. In the command line, enable iSCSI with esxcfg-swiscsi -e command
5. In the command line, run
6. At the service console command line, run esxcfg-swiscsi -s
7. In the VI Client your iSCSI target should become visible.
The command line options for this command are:

-e, --enable Enable sw iscsi
-d, --disable Disable sw iscsi
-q, --query Check if sw iscsi is on/off
-s, --scan Scan for disk available through sw iscsi interface
-k, --kill Try to forcibly remove iscsi sw stack
-r, --restore Restore sw iscsi configuration from file (FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY)
-h, --help Show this message
This tool can manage the Ethernet interfaces of the service console. In a big change from previous versions of ESX, the Ethernet interface of the service console is named with the "vswif" prefix and not "eth" prefix as you may be used to in Linux.
During installation of ESX server, your service console Ethernet connection should  have been created. However, maybe a mistake was made, or we want to add another service console port for redundancy.
In VI Client we can view the network configuration of our ESX host.

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VMware ESX Server 3 Commands Guide 3

The esxcfg- Commands
Should not be run manually!
The esxcfg-nas command is used to list, mount and dismount NFS exports for the VMkernel. In the first example we list the NFS datastores which the VMkernel has mounted.
[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-nas -l
NFS01 is /NFS from mounted
In the next example, we add a new VMkernel mount to a remote NFS server. This time we are connecting to the NFS server at IP address and the name of the exported directory is "/Test". We are labelled this NFS mount "NFS02".
[root@esx1host etc]# esxcfg-nas -a -o -s /Test NFS02
Connecting to NAS volume: NFS02
NFS02 created and connected.
Remember that to create a connection to an NFS datastore, the VMkernel needs to have an IP address, as it is the NFS client. We give the VMkernel an IP address by creating a VMkernel port on a virtual Ethernet switch. We can do this at the command line using the command esxcfg-vmknic
The command line options for esx are:
esxcfg-nas <options> [<label>]
 -a|--add               Add a new NAS filesystem to /vmfs volumes. Requires --host and --share options.
 -o|--host <host>       Set the host name or ip address for a NAS mount.
 -s|--share <share>     Set the name of the NAS share on the remote system.
 -d|--delete            Unmount and delete a filesystem.
 -l|--list              List the currently mounted NAS file systems.
 -r|--restore           Restore all NAS mounts from the configuration file. (FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY).
 -h|--help              Show this message.
If we add an IP address to the VMkernel by adding a VMkernel port, then we can fully configure that IP stack by also assigning a default gateway. We can view (no parameters) and set (1st parameter) the VMkernel IP default gateway with the esxcfg-route command as shown here.
[root@esx1host etc]# esxcfg-route
VMkernel default gateway is
[root@esx1host etc]# esxcfg-route
VMkernel default gateway set to
Used to view and set configure the VMkernel ports on virtual Ethernet switches. A VMkernel port is a special type of port group on a virtual Ethernet switch which is used to assign an IP address to the VMkernel. The VMkernel only needs an IP address for VMotion, software-initiated iSCSI or NFS access.
If you need to create a VMkernel port at the command line, then you need to create a port group first and then enable it as a VMkernel port. This tool does not allow you to enable the VMkernel port for VMotion, you must either use vimsh or the VI client for that.
[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-vswitch -A VMotion vSwitch0
[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-vmknic -a -i -n VMotion
The above commands would result in an additional connection to the virtual Ethernet switch, specifically a VMkernel port. The esxcfg-vmknic command has assigned the VMkernel an IP address & the portgroup called VMotion is now explicitly VMkernel port.
In the following example, we list the VMkernel ports, then use esxcfg-vmknic to delete one of them and then list them again.
[root@esx1host etc]# esxcfg-vmknic -l
Port Group          IP Address      Netmask         Broadcast       MAC Address       MTU     Enabled
NFS access 00:50:56:62:ca:f6 1514    true
VMotion    00:50:56:6d:7c:7d 1514    true
[root@esx1host etc]# esxcfg-vmknic -d VMotion
[root@esx1host etc]# esxcfg-vmknic -l
Port Group          IP Address      Netmask         Broadcast       MAC Address       MTU     Enabled
NFS access 00:50:56:62:ca:f6 1514    true
The command line options are:
esxcfg-vmknic <options> [[<portgroup>]]
-a|--add                  Add a VMkernel NIC to the system, requires IP parameters and portgroup name.
-d|--del                  Delete VMkernel NIC on given portgroup.
-e|--enable               Enable the given NIC if disabled.
-D|--disable              Disable the given NIC if enabled.
-l|--list                 List VMkernel NICs.
-i|--ip <X.X.X.X>         The IP address for this VMkernel NIC. Setting an IP address requires that the
                          --netmask option be given in same command.
-n|--netmask <X.X.X.X>    The IP netmask for this VMkernel NIC. Setting the IP netmask requires that the --ip
                          option be given in the same command.
-r|--restore              Restore VMkernel TCP/IP interfaces from Configuration file (FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY).
-h|--help Show this message.

Used to configure the VMkernel crash dump partition. The old ESX 2.x utility for this function (vmkdump) is still present on an ESX 3 server, but appears just to be for extracting dump files.
So far, we have only used this utility to interrogate ESX hosts to determine where the dump partition has been created. Here is an example of viewing the dump partition.
# esxcfg-dumppart -l VM Kernel Name      Console Name        Is Active   Is Configured vmhba0:0:0:7        /dev/cciss/c0d0p7   yes         yes
Remember that the dump partition does not show up when you run the vdf utility. However it is visible if you run fdisk. In the following example, we are running fdisk to view the partitions. We can see the dump partition as c0d0p7, i.e. partition #7. Notice the Id of that partition is "fc", the custom partition type for VMkernel dump partitions.
# fdisk /dev/cciss/c0d0

Disk /dev/cciss/c0d0: 36.3 GB, 36385505280 bytes
64 heads, 32 sectors/track, 34699 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 2048 * 512 = 1048576 bytes
           Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System /dev/cciss/c0d0p1   *         1       100    102384   83  Linux /dev/cciss/c0d0p2           101      5100   5120000   83  Linux /dev/cciss/c0d0p3          5101      7100   2048000   83  Linux /dev/cciss/c0d0p4          7101     34699  28261376    f  Win95 Ext'd (LBA) /dev/cciss/c0d0p5          7101      7644    557040   82  Linux swap /dev/cciss/c0d0p6          7645     34599  27601904   fb  Unknown /dev/cciss/c0d0p7         34600     34699    102384   fc  Unknown
The command line options are:
esxcfg-dumppart <options> [<partition>]
-l|--list            List the partitions available for Dump Partitions. WARNING: This will scan all LUNs on the system.
-t|--get-active      Get the active Dump Partition for this system, returns the internal name of the partition
                     vmhbaX:X:X:X) or 'none'.
-c|--get-config      Get the configured Dump Partition for this system, returns the internal name of the partition
                     vmhbaX:X:X:X) or 'none'.
-s|--set             Set the Dump Partition for this system and activate it, either vmhbaX:X:X:X or 'none' to
                     deactivate the active dump partition.
-f|--find            Find usable Dump partitions and list in order of preference.
-S|--smart-activate  Activate the configured dump partition or find the first appropriate partition and use it(same
                     order as -f).
-a|--activate        Activate the configured dump partition.
-d|--deactivate      Deactivate the active dump partition.
-h|--help            Show this message.


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VMware ESX Server 3 Commands Guide 2

The esxcfg- Commands
esxcfg-upgrade -h --help
-g --convert-grub
-f --convert-fstab
-r --upgrade-pre-vmkernel
-o --upgrade-post-vmkernel

The -g option may only be used with the -r option.
This command allows you to list, add, modify or delete virtual Ethernet switches on an ESX host. The simplest option with this command is the -l option to list the virtual switches defined on the host.
[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-vswitch -l
If you are having problems with your ESX server after an in-place upgrade, this tool is invaluable in resolving the problems with service console networking.
The output of this command is initially a little intimidating. It is best to keep in mind the network topology:
Service Console IP Interface (vswif0) ---- connected to ----> Service Console Port on vSwitch ----- up-linked to ----> vmnic
Where a vmnic is a physical Ethernet adapter.
In following screenshot taken from the VI Client, we can see this ESX host has 2 connections to vSwitch0, the service console connection a VMkernel port connection.
If we wish to view the same information at the service console command line, we would use the esxcfg-vswitch command with the "-l" switch to list the defined virtual switches.
[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-vswitch -l
Switch Name    Num Ports   Used Ports  Configured Ports  Uplinks
vSwitch0       32          4           32                vmnic0
  PortGroup Name      Internal ID    VLAN ID  Used Ports  Uplinks
  Service Console     portgroup0     0        1           vmnic0
  NFS access          portgroup1     0        1           vmnic0
If we wanted to add another virtual Ethernet switch, we would use esxcfg-vswitch command with the "-a" switch. Note that the -a is specified in lowercase. Take care to ensure you have specified lowercase because uppercase A performs a different function with this command. So, lets add a new virtual switch to our ESX host called vSwitch1 and then list the switches to check our command has worked ok.
[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-vswitch -a vSwitch1
[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-vswitch -l
Switch Name    Num Ports   Used Ports  Configured Ports  Uplinks
vSwitch0       32          4           32                vmnic0
  PortGroup Name      Internal ID    VLAN ID  Used Ports  Uplinks
  Service Console     portgroup0     0        1           vmnic0
  NFS access          portgroup1     0        1           vmnic0
Switch Name    Num Ports   Used Ports  Configured Ports  Uplinks
vSwitch1       64          0           64
  PortGroup Name      Internal ID    VLAN ID  Used Ports  Uplinks
Notice that the number of ports on the virtual switch is 64 on the newly created switch. The original virtual switch has only 32. This difference arises between creating the switch in the VI Client or the command line. Anyway, if you are like me and you can never remember which case of the letter "a" to use when adding a virtual switch, then use the esxcfg-vswitch command with the --add switch when creating a new switch like this:
esxcfg-vswitch --add vSwitch2
which I think is a little clearer to understand.
Now if we want to add a portgroup to the new virtual switch we have created, we can use the esxcfg-vswitch -A command. It does not matter whether you are creating a service console port, a VM port group or a VMkernel port when creating a port group; the way we create the connection to the virtual switch always starts out the same in the command line. Only after creating the port group do we then specify if it is to be anything other than a VM port group. In the following commands, we add a new portgroup called "Production" on the virtual switch vSwitch1.
[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-vswitch -A "Production" vSwitch1
[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-vswitch -l
Switch Name    Num Ports   Used Ports  Configured Ports  Uplinks
vSwitch0       32          4           32                vmnic0
  PortGroup Name      Internal ID    VLAN ID  Used Ports  Uplinks
  Service Console     portgroup0     0        1           vmnic0
  NFS access          portgroup1     0        1           vmnic0
Switch Name    Num Ports   Used Ports  Configured Ports  Uplinks
vSwitch1       64          0           64
  PortGroup Name      Internal ID    VLAN ID  Used Ports  Uplinks
  Production          portgroup2     0        0
Alternatively you could use the following command to add a port group to a virtual switch.
[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-vswitch --add-pg="Production" vSwitch1
This alternative switch of using --ad-pg I think is clearer for understanding what the command is doing. The --add-pg option can clearly be seen to add a portgroup to a virtual switch, and again is simpler to understand than just "-A". The portgroup name in our example is called "Production", but it can be what you want. We recommend adoption of a standard across all your virtual infrastructure. I have seen somnts align their portgroup names with the IP subnets, so you could have a portgroup called something like " subnet".
Although we have now created a new virtual switch and have created a VM port group on it, the virtual switch itself does not have any uplinks. Remember that when we bind a physical network adapter to a virtual switch we are uplinking a vmnic to the switch and the switch then "owns" that adapter, i.e. it is not available to be used by any other virtual switches. We perform the uplink by using the esxcfg-vswitch command with the -L switch for link.
[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic1 vSwitch1
So in one simple command we have linked the physical network adapter vmnic1 to our new virtual ethernet switch vSwitch1. If we then realised we had used the wrong physical adapter, we can just as easily unlink with -U. In the next example, we swap the uplinked vmnic1 for an alternative adapter vmnic2
[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-vswitch -U vmnic1 vSwitch1
[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic2 vSwitch1
This changing of vmnic bound to a virtual switch is often required post-installation, as we may select the wrong physical adapter to use for the service console during the install and need to correct our configuration before we can connect to our host with VI client!
Configures the service console authentication options including NIS, LDAP, Kerberos and Active Directory.
Produces an enormous amount of information about the ESX host. You really need to pipe this to a file for closer examination!
[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-info >esxinfo.txt
Manages storage multi-pathing just as the vmkmultipath utility did in previous versions of ESX Server. In the example below we are using the -l switch to list the storage and paths.
[root@esx1host tools-isoimages]# esxcfg-mpath -l

Disk vmhba0:0:0 /dev/cciss/c0d0 (69459MB) has 1 paths and policy of Fixed
Local 2:1.0 vmhba0:0:0 On active preferred

Disk vmhba1:0:0 (0MB) has 1 paths and policy of Most Recently Used
FC 10:1.0 210000e08b846a72<->5006016930221397 vmhba1:0:0 On active preferred

Disk vmhba1:0:6 /dev/sda (9216MB) has 1 paths and policy of Most Recently Used
FC 10:1.0 210000e08b846a72<->5006016930221397 vmhba1:0:6 On active preferred

Disk vmhba1:0:21 /dev/sdb (10240MB) has 1 paths and policy of Most Recently Used
FC 10:1.0 210000e08b846a72<->5006016930221397 vmhba1:0:21 On active preferred
Used to manage the new ESX feature called resource groups. This command can add, remove or modify existing resource groups.
The esxcfg-vmhbadevs command is used to list the equivalent Linux device names for the visible disk devices that the VMkernel references using vmhba notation.
[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-vmhbadevs
vmhba0:0:0    /dev/sda
vmhba0:0:1    /dev/sdb
vmhba0:0:2    /dev/sdc
vmhba0:0:3    /dev/sdd
vmhba2:0:0    /dev/sde
vmhba2:1:0    /dev/sdf
If we use this command with the –m switch, then we only list the LUNs which contain VMFS partitions. Alongside the Linux device name, a long unique hexadecimal value is listed. This is the VMFS volume signature assigned by the new logical volume manager (LVM).
[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-vmhbadevs -m
vmhba0:0:0:1 /dev/sda1 45407607-fbc43ced-94cb-00145e231ce3
vmhba0:0:2:1 /dev/sdc1 455b08a8-8af7fee3-daa9-00145e231e35
vmhba2:0:0:3 /dev/sde3 4559c75f-831d8f3e-bc81-00145e231e35
You can view these volumes in the directory /vmfs/volumes/
Used to configure the GRUB options presented at boot time. One thing to note is that the new esxcfg commands will not run if you boot just into Linux. If you just want to query the boot settings, you can use the -q switch but this must be qualified with the keyword boot or vmkmod.
[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-boot -q boot
272 2:;7:;10:; UUID=847199e4-d3c7-11da-8ef8-930e3d734c03 /vmlinuz-2.4.21-37.0.2.ELvmnix /initrd-2.4.21-37.0.2.ELvmnix.img

[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-boot -q vmkmod
vmkapimod vmkapimod
vmklinux linux
cciss.o scsi
tg3.o nic
qla2300_7xx.o fc
This is also used if you making modifications to VMkernel device drivers defaults. For example, if you were modifying the queue depth for a fibre HBA, you would likely be using esxcfg-module. Then to rebuild the boot image you would enter
[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-boot -m
After which, you would do a reboot to test the update to the boot image had worked.

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VMware ESX Server 3 Commands Guide

If you are using ESX server 2.x, you can click here for the command line guide to ESX 2.x
The esxcfg- Commands
There are a new set of command line tools in ESX 3.x which all start with "esxcfg-". These tools are used to configure each part of the ESX 3.x configuration. For example, esxcfg-firewall is used to manage the service console firewall while the esxcfg-nic is used to manage the physical Ethernet adapters present in the server.
The esxcfg-advcfg command is interesting as there is not a huge amount of help about this command. However, we can figure out that it is meant to do advanced configuration and we can figure out some settings that can be made. The -g switch is used to "get" settings; the -s switch is used to "set" settings.
Here are a few examples of some VMkernel parameters which can be interrogated.
[root@esx1host vmware]# esxcfg-advcfg -g /Misc/BlueScreenTimeout
Value of BlueScreenTimeout is 0
[root@esx1host vmware]# esxcfg-advcfg -g /Misc/HostName
Value of HostName is esx1.vmlab.net 
[root@esx1host vmware]# esxcfg-advcfg -g /VMFS3/ZeroedThickVirtualDisks
Value of ZeroedThickVirtualDisks is 1
[root@esx1host vmware]# esxcfg-advcfg –g /Disk/SupportSparseLUN
Value of SupportSparseLUN is 1
[root@esx1host vmware]# esxcfg-advcfg –g /Disk/MaxLUN
Value of MaxLUN is
[root@esx1host vmware]# esxcfg-advcfg –g /Scsi/ConflictRetries
Value of ConflictRetries is
[root@esx1host vmware]# esxcfg-advcfg –g /LVM/EnableResignature
Value of EnableResignature is
The question is, how much is configurable? To figure out what is configurable, we recommend that you look in the directory /proc/vmware/config which you will find in the service console command line and then you will see the following directories
From these directories and the files within, you can work out the paths to be supplied to the esxcfg-advcfg command as parameters. Alternatively, you could also use the command
esxcfg-info –o
to list the advanced options.
When using the esxcfg-advcfg command, remember case sensitivity!
Usage: esxcfg-advcfg <options> [<adv cfg Path>]
 -g|--get             Get the value of the config option
 -s|--set <value>     Set the value of the config option
 -d|--default         Reset Config option to default
 -q|--quiet           Suppress output
 -k|--set-kernel      Set a VMkernel load time option value.
 -j|--get-kernel      Get a VMkernel load time option value.
 -h|--help            Show this message.
 -r|--restore         Restore all advanced options from the configuration file. (FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY).
The service console in ESX 3 now has a firewall enabled by default. The network packet filtering found in Red Hat Linux is called iptables. As the management of iptables is not entirely straightforward, the esxcfg-firewall command makes things a load easier.
We use this command to view and configure the firewall rules.
The most popular switch will be the -q switch to query the firewall for its settings.
[root@esxhost1 root]# esxcfg-firewall -q
The -s switch will allow you to enable or disable network services that may traverse the firewall successfully. The list of known services are shown below - very case sensitive!....
The -l switch loads the firewall and enables the IP tables.
The -u switch unloads the firewall and disables the IP tables.
We use the -e switch to enable a particular known service, so if we wanted to enable ssh outbound connections from the service console we would simply enter
[root@esxhost1 root]# esxcfg-firewall -e sshClient
We use the -d switch to disable a service. In the following example, we prevent outbound connections
[root@esxhost1 root]# esxcfg-firewall -d smbClient
If we need to open a TCP or UDP port that is not described by a defined friendly name like "sshClient", then we can explicitly open that port with the -o switch. The service console firewall is bidirectional and so when opening a port you must also specify direction of incoming or outgoing. Equally, we can close an explicit port with the -c switch.
[root@esxhost1 root]# esxcfg-firewall -o tcpport,out,name
In the following example, we are opening a unique port which we are calling "customapp"
[root@esxhost1 root]# esxcfg-firewall -o 12345,out,custom-app
The service names such as sshClient and smbClient are defined in the file /etc/vmware/firewall/services.xml .
This command produces an output similar to vmkload_mod -list
[root@esx1host tools-isoimages]# esxcfg-module -l

Module        Type      Enabled Loaded
vmkapimod     vmkapimod true    true
vmklinux      linux     true    true
cciss.o       scsi      true    false
tg3.o         nic       true    false
qla2300_7xx.o fc        true    false
Although if you compare the output with the old command, things don't exactly match up. Not sure why just yet....
This command is used to perform a rescan of a host bus adapter (HBA). Specifically it scans a named vmkernel hba device, i.e. a vmhba. This command does a similar job to vmkfstools -rescan.
In this example the esxcfg-rescan command is used to rescan the iSCSI software initiator vmhba.
[root@esx1host]# esxcfg-rescan vmhba40

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الأحد، 17 مايو 2009

Configure a Distributed File System (DFS) environment in Windows Server 2003

Configure a Distributed File System (DFS) environment in Windows Server 2003

Windows 2000 introduced Distributed File System (DFS), which allows you to consolidate file shares so users can access them from a single point on the network. Windows Server 2003 improved the technology to include WAN replication, allowing DFS points to exist across WAN links. In this tip, I will explain how DFS works and walk you through the steps of setting it up and configuring it in Windows Server 2003.

In a DFS environment, you can consolidate shared folders and files that may exist on multiple servers to appear as though they all live in the same location. For example, on the file server in the corporate office in Chicago, each of the departments has its own share. The field office in Denver has a smaller file server for its local employees. Using DFS, the files in the Denver office appear to the Chicago users as though they live on the Chicago file server.

Follow these steps to configure a DFS environment:

  1. Configure your server to have the file server role. Open the Start menu and choose Administrative Tools.
  2. Select Configure Your Server Wizard.
  3. In the Roles wizard, select the file server role and click Next. (You may need to supply the Windows Server 2003 CD to complete this setup.)
  4. After the setup completes, click Finish.

Using DFS components does not depend on the file server role. If you do not wish to configure the file server role, you can install the DFS components by following these steps:

  1. Go to Start | Control Panel and open Add/Remove Programs.
  2. Select Windows Components from the left navigation bar.
  3. Check the box next to the desired DFS component. If you are not using multiple sites with replication requirements, you can select the DFS component and click Details to uncheck the DFS replication component.
  4. Go to Start | All Programs | Administrative Tools.
  5. Select Distributed File System.
  6. In the left pane of the DFS snap-in, right-click the Distributed File System node and select New Root.

Creating a DFS root

DFS environments create a DFS root, which is the location where all items within DFS live. For example, if the Chicago office calls the DFS root on its local file server "Departments," the root of Departments would list the shares included in the DFS.

  1. The New Root Wizard will open to assist you in creating the DFS root. Click Next on the Welcome screen to begin.
  2. The next screen in the New Root Wizard will ask you if you want to create a Standalone Root or a Domain Root. Select the root type and then click Next.

A domain root uses Active Directory (AD) to store the DFS information; it also allows the DFS information to replicate with AD, which allows DFS roots and shares to stay synchronized across sites. A standalone root stores DFS information on the file server itself and will not replicate.

The type of root you create will determine what you provide in the next portion of the New Root Wizard. If you select Domain Root, you will need to specify the domain name of your AD environment, as well as any trusting domains. If you select Standalone, you will enter the name of the file server that will host the DFS root.

  1. Enter the name of the Active Directory Domain (for a domain root) or the Server Name (for a standalone root) and click Next.

(For the remainder of this tip, I will use a standalone root for DFS. The difference between root types has to do with AD replication and does not affect the general configuration of DFS.)

  1. After you specify your file server name for the DFS root host, enter the root name and click Next. (In our example, the root name is Departments.)
  2. On the next screen of the wizard, browse to a folder you wish to share as part of the DFS environment. Select the folder and click Next. You can add additional shares to the DFS root at any time after the initial configuration.
  3. Click Finish to complete the DFS New Root installation wizard.

If you click on the DFS root you created in the DFS console, you will not see any shares because you have not added them yet. The shared folder specified when creating a DFS root serves as a starting point for the DFS environment. To add shares to your DFS root, you will need to link the shares to the root. Follow these steps to add a link to the DFS root:

  1. Right-click the DFS Root object under the Distributed File System node in the DFS console and select New Link.
  2. The system will ask for the UNC path to the share, as well as a name for the link. The New DFS Link dialog box also allows you to specify an amount of time for a client to cache the reference to the link. This reduces network traffic by reducing the attempts to constantly look up the DFS link.
  3. Enter the name of your link. After you do, it will appear in the Preview text box on the New Link dialog box. This will show you the path to the new link.
  4. Click OK to create the link.

Now that you have added the DFS root and a link, you can begin using your DFS environment. You can link all of the department shares to the Departments root (regardless of the shares' actual location); reduce the amount of overhead needed to manage these shares; and gain access to all the links added through the DFS root no matter which server the share lives on.

Using DFS will allow administrators to point network drive maps to a single location for access to all of the shares linked within the root. Reducing the number of drive mappings and maintenance which can be associated with managing these mappings.

الثلاثاء، 12 مايو 2009

convert exe to service

Create a Service from exe file
To create a Windows NT user-defined service, perform the following steps: 
At a MS-DOS command prompt(running CMD.EXE), type the following command:

path\INSTSRV.EXE My Service path\SRVANY.EXE

where path is the drive and directory of the Windows NT Resource Kit (i.e., C:\RESKIT) and My Service is the name of the service you are creating.

C:\Program Files\Resource Kit\Instsrv.exe Notepad C:\Program Files\Resource Kit\Srvany.exe
NOTE: To verify that the service was created correctly, check the registry to verify that the ImagePath value under 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\service name
is set to point to SRVANY.EXE. If this is not set correctly, the service will stop shortly after it starts and return an Event ID 7000 "The service name failed to start." 

WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

For information about how to edit the registry, view the "Changing Keys And Values" online Help topic or the "Add and Delete Information in the Registry" and "Edit Registry Data" online Help topics in Registry Editor.

NOTE: You should back up the registry before you edit it. 
Run Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe)and locate the following subkey:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\<My Service> 
From the Edit menu, click Add Key. Type the following and click OK:

Key Name: Parameters
Class : <leave blank> 
Select the Parameters key. 
From the Edit menu, click Add Value. Type the following and click OK:

Value Name: Application
Data Type : REG_SZ
String : <path>\<application.ext>

where <path>\<application.ext> is the drive and full path to the application executable including the extension (i.e., C:\WinNT\Notepad.exe) 
Close Registry Editor.
By default, a newly created service it configured to run Automatically when the system is restarted. To change this setting to Manual, run the Services applet from Control Panel and change the Startup value to Manual. A service set to Manual can be started in one of several ways: 
- From the Services applet in Control Panel 

- From a MS-DOS command prompt, type the following: 

NET START <My Service> 

- Use the Sc.exe utility from the Resource Kit. Type the following from a MS-DOS command prompt: 

<path>\Sc.exe start <My Service> 

where <path> is the drive and directory of the Windows NT Resource Kit (i.e., C:\Reskit). 

For more information on installing and removing a user-defined service, please see the Srvany.wri document provided with the Windows NT Resource Kit utilities (i.e., C:\Reskit\Srvany.wri). This document can also be found on the Windows NT Resource Kit CD in the Common\Config directory. 

الخميس، 7 مايو 2009

Cisco ASA for Internet Access sample configuration

Cisco ASA for Internet Access sample configuration
A classic network scenario for many enterprises is to have a Cisco border router for internet access and a Cisco ASA firewall behind this router for protection of the internal LAN or for building a DMZ network. This scenario is shown in the figure
Assume that our enterprise is assigned a public IP address range of (that is a 32 address subnet). The usable addresses in this subnet range between and In our example we assign to the outside interface of the Cisco router and is the ISP gateway router. Also, we need to use address for accessing a DMZ web server which has a real private address of
Between the Cisco Router and the outside interface of the Cisco ASA we have a private subnet Also, the inside internal LAN subnet is The inside IP address of the ASA is

Traffic Flow:
We need to achieve the following traffic flow:
1) All Internal LAN hosts ( should be able to access the Internet (outbound communication). No access initiated from the Internet should be allowed towards the Internal LAN network.
2) Also, we need to allow access from the Internet towards our DMZ Web Server (inbound communication).
There are a few ways you can follow to achieve the functionality above. For sure we need to perform NAT on the border Cisco Router to translate our internal private addresses to public addresses assigned by our ISP. We have the option also to perform additional NAT on the ASA firewall, which however I wouldn't recommend.
The way I would configure such a scenario is the following:

  • 1) For outbound communication (Internal LAN towards the Internet), do not translate the network on the Cisco ASA. Rather create a static mapping of to itself (will see this below) and configure NAT overload on the Cisco Router for the network
  • 2) For inbound communication (Internet towards Web Server), create again a static mapping on the ASA for address to itself, and perform static NAT on the Cisco Router to map to
Below I will show you snapshots of the configuration for both the Cisco Router and the Cisco ASA that will achieve the functionality above.
Cisco ASA:
ciscoasa(config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ciscoasa(config-if)# nameif outside
ciscoasa(config-if)# ip address
ciscoasa(config-if)# security-level 0
ciscoasa(config-if)# no shutdown

ciscoasa(config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ciscoasa(config-if)# nameif inside
ciscoasa(config-if)# ip address
ciscoasa(config-if)# security-level 100
ciscoasa(config-if)# no shutdown

ciscoasa(config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/3
ciscoasa(config-if)# nameif DMZ
ciscoasa(config-if)# ip address
ciscoasa(config-if)# security-level 50
ciscoasa(config-if)# no shutdown

! Now create a static NAT mapping of to itself
ciscoasa(config)# static (inside , outside) netmask

! Create also a static NAT mapping of Web Server to itself
ciscoasa(config)# static (DMZ , outside) netmask

! Create an access-list to allow Inbound traffic to Web server only
ciscoasa(config)# access-list OUTSIDE-IN extended permit tcp any host eq 80
ciscoasa(config)# access-group OUTSIDE-IN in interface outside

ciscoasa(config)# route outside
Cisco Router:
interface ethernet 0
 ip address
 ip nat outside

interface ethernet 1
 ip address
 ip nat inside

!Assume the router uses address for all outbound communication
ip nat pool IP-POOL netmask
ip nat inside source list 1 pool IP-POOL overload
access-list 1 permit

!Configure Static NAT to map to
ip nat inside source static

ip route
ip route
ip route

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