الأحد، 26 أبريل 2009

ASP Tips to Improve Performance and Style 4

ASP Tips to Improve Performance and Style
Copy Frequently-Used Data to Script Variables
When accessing COM objects in ASP, you should copy frequently-used object data to script variables. This will cut down on COM method calls, which are relatively expensive compared to accessing script variables. When accessing Collection and Dictionary objects, this technique also cuts down on expensive lookups.
In general, if you are going to access object data more than once, put that data into a script variable. Prime targets for this optimization are Request variables (Form and QueryString variables). For example, your site may pass around a QueryString variable called UserID. Suppose this UserID is referenced a dozen times on a particular page. Instead of calling Request("UserID") a dozen times, assign the UserID to a variable at the top of the ASP page. Then use that variable throughout the page. This will save 11 COM method calls.
In practice, accessing COM properties or methods can be deceptively expensive. Here is an example, showing some fairly common code (syntactically speaking):
Foo.bar.blah.baz = Foo.bar.blah.qaz(1) If Foo.bar.blah.zaq = Foo.bar.blah.abc Then ' ...
When this code runs, here's what happens:
  1. The variable Foo is resolved as a global object.
  2. The variable bar is resolved as a member of Foo. This turns out to be a COM method call.
  3. The variable blah is resolved as a member of Foo.bar. This, too, turns out to be a COM method call.
  4. The variable qaz is resolved as a member of foo.bar.blah. Yes, this turns out to be a COM method call.
  5. Invoke Foo.bar.blah.quaz(1). One more COM method call. Get the picture?
  6. Do steps 1 through 3 again to resolve baz. The system does not know if the call to qaz changed the object model, so steps 1 through 3 must be done again to resolve baz.
  7. Resolve baz as a member of Foo.bar.blah. Do the property put.
  8. Do steps 1 through 3 again and resolve zaq.
  9. Do steps 1 through 3 yet another time and resolve abc.
As you can see, this is terribly inefficient (and slow). The fast way to write this code in VBScript is:
Set myobj = Foo.bar.blah ' do the resolution of blah ONCE Myobj.baz = myobj.qaz(1) If Myobj.zaq = Myobj.abc Then '...
If you're using VBScript 5.0 or later, you can write this using the With statement:
With Foo.bar.blah     .baz = .qaz(1)     If .zaq = .abc Then '...     ... End With *********************
Note that this tip also works with VB programming.

Avoid Redimensioning Arrays

Try to avoid Redim arrays. As far as performance is concerned, if you have a machine that is constrained by physical memory size, it's much better to set the initial dimension of the array to its worst-case scenario—or to set the dimension to its optimal case and redim as necessary. This does not mean that you should just go out and allocate a couple of megabytes of memory if you know you aren't going to need it.
The code below shows you gratuitous use of Dim and Redim.
<% Dim MyArray() Redim MyArray(2) MyArray(0) = "hello" MyArray(1) = "good-bye" MyArray(2) = "farewell" ... ' some other code where you end up needing more space happens, then ... Redim Preserve MyArray(5) MyArray(3) = "more stuff" MyArray(4) = "even more stuff" MyArray(5) = "yet more stuff" %>
It is far better to simply Dim the array to the correct size initially (in this case, that's 5), than Redim the array to make it larger. You may waste a little memory (if you don't end up using all of the elements), but the gain will be speed.

Use Response Buffering

You can buffer a whole page worth of output by turning on "response buffering." This minimizes the amount of writes to the browser and thus improves overall performance. Each write has a lot of overhead (both in IIS and in the amount of data sent down the wire), so the fewer the writes there are, the better. TCP/IP works much more efficiently when it can send a few large blocks of data than when it has to send many small blocks because of its slow start and Nagling algorithms (used to minimize network congestion).
There are two ways of turning response buffering on. First, you can turn on response buffering for an entire application, using the Internet Services Manager. This is the recommended approach and response buffering is turned on by default for new ASP applications in IIS 4.0 and IIS 5.0. Second, on a page-by-page basis, you can enable response buffering by placing the following line of code near the top of the ASP page:
<% Response.Buffer = True %>
This line of code must be executed before any response data has been written to the browser (that is, before any HTML appears in the ASP script and before any Cookies have been set using the Response.Cookies collection). In general, it is best to turn response buffering on for an entire Application. This allows you to avoid the above line of code on every page.



One common complaint about response buffering is that users perceive ASP pages as being less responsive (even though the overall response time is improved) because they have to wait for the entire page to be generated before they start to see anything. For long-running pages, you can turn response buffering off by setting Response.Buffer = False. However, a better strategy is to utilize the Response.Flush method. This method flushes all HTML that has been painted by ASP to the browser. For example, after painting 100 rows of a 1,000-row table, ASP can call Response.Flush to force the painted results to the browser; this allows the user to see the first 100 rows before the remaining rows are ready. This technique can give you the best of both worlds-response buffering combined with the gradual presentation of data to the browser.
(Note that in the above example of a 1,000-row table, many browsers won't start painting the table until they see the closing </table> tag. Check your targeted browsers for support. To get around this, try breaking the table into multiple tables with less rows, and call Response.Flush after each table. Newer versions of Internet Explorer will paint tables before they are fully downloaded, and will paint especially fast if you specify the table's column widths; this avoids forcing Internet Explorer to calculate the column widths by measuring the width of the contents of every cell.)
The other common complaint about response buffering is that it can use a lot of server memory when generating very large pages. Leaving aside the wisdom of generating large pages, this problem can also be addressed with judicious use of Response.Flush.

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